

 • Superior to pelvic inlet It supports the abdominal contents(ileum and sigmoid colon) and it is above the pelvic brim •Also Known as FALSE or Major pelvis It is bounded by: a) Posteriorly: L5-S1 lumbar vertebrae b) Laterally: the iliac fossae and the iliacus muscles c) Anteriorly: lower part of the anterior abdominal wall.

# lesser pelvis

 • Between the pelvic inlet and the pelvic outlet •The location of the pelvic viscera urinary bladder and reproductive organs, such as the uterus and ovaries •Bounded by:- •posteriorly:-sacrum and coccyx •laterally and anteriorly:-lower ilium, ischium, and pubis bones •Limited inferiorly by the musculomembranous diaphragm (levator ani)

# pelvic cavity

 Pelvic cavity, or cavity of the true pelvis, can be defined as the area between pelvic inlet and pelvic outlet. It is subdivide by pelvic diaphragm into:- A. Main pelvic cavity above B. Perineum below •Contents of the main pelvic cavity: A. Anterior Contents :-

 1)urinary bladder 2)male internal organs & females internal organs)

 B. Posterior Contents (sigmoid, Rectum)

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